Run Tests

Running Tests

ducktape discovers and runs tests in the path(s) provided. You can specify a folder with tests (all tests in Python modules named with “test_” prefix or “_test” suffix will be run), a specific test file (with any name) or even a specific class or test method, via absolute or relative paths. You can optionally specify a specific set of parameters for tests with @parametrize or @matrix annotations:

ducktape <relative_path_to_testdirectory>                   # e.g. ducktape dir/tests
ducktape <relative_path_to_file>                            # e.g. ducktape dir/tests/
ducktape <path_to_test>[::SomeTestClass]                    # e.g. ducktape dir/tests/
ducktape <path_to_test>[::SomeTestClass[.test_method]]      # e.g. ducktape dir/tests/
ducktape <path_to_test>[::TestClass[.method[@params_json]]] # e.g. ducktape 'dir/tests/{"x": 100}'

Excluding Tests

Pass --exclude flag to exclude certain test(s) from the run, using the same syntax:

ducktape ./my_tests_dir --exclude ./my_tests_dir/ ./my_tests_dir/

Test Suites

Test suite is a collection of tests to run, optionally also specifying which tests to exclude. Test suites are specified via YAML file

# list all tests that are part of the suite under the test suite name:
    - ./my_tests_dir/  # paths are relative to the test suite file location
    - ./another_tests_dir/  # same syntax as passing tests directly to ducktape
    - './another_tests_dir/{"x": 100}'  # params are supported too
    - ./third_tests_dir/prefix_*.py  # basic globs are supported (* and ? characters)

# each YAML file can contain one or more test suites:
    # you can optionally specify excluded tests in the suite as well using the following syntax:
        - ./some_tests_dir/
        - ./some_tests_dir/*

Running Test Suites

Tests suites are run in the same fashion as separate tests.

Run a single test suite:

ducktape ./path/to/test_suite.yml

Run multiple test suites:

ducktape ./path/to/test_suite_1.yml ./test_suite_2.yml

You can specify both tests and test suites at the same time:

ducktape ./ ./my_test_suite.yml ./

If the same test method is effectively specified more than once, it will only be executed once.

For example, if test_suite.yml lists then running the following command will execute only once:

ducktape test_suite.yml

If you specify a folder, all tests (ie python files) under that folder will be discovered, but test suites will be not.

For example, if test_dir contains and my_test_suite.yml, then running:

ducktape ./test_dir

will execute but skip my_test_suite.yml.

To execute both and my_test_suite.yml you need to specify test suite path explicitly:

ducktape ./test_dir/ ./test_dir/my_test_suite.yml

Exclude and Test Suites

Exclude section in the test suite applies only to that test suite. --exclude parameter passed to ducktape applies to all loaded tests and test suites.

For example, if test_dir contains, and, and test_suite.yml is:

        - ./test_dir/*.py
        - ./test_dir/
        - ./test_dir/
        - ./test_dir/

Then running:

ducktape test_suite.yml

runs each of, and once

But running:

ducktape test_suite.yml --exclude test_dir/

runs only and once, and skips


To see a complete listing of options run:

ducktape --help

Discover and run your tests

usage: ducktape [-h] [--exclude [EXCLUDE [EXCLUDE ...]]] [--collect-only]
                [--collect-num-nodes] [--debug] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE]
                [--compress] [--cluster CLUSTER]
                [--default-num-nodes DEFAULT_NUM_NODES]
                [--cluster-file CLUSTER_FILE] [--results-root RESULTS_ROOT]
                [--exit-first] [--no-teardown] [--version]
                [--parameters PARAMETERS] [--globals GLOBALS]
                [--max-parallel MAX_PARALLEL] [--repeat REPEAT]
                [--subsets SUBSETS] [--subset SUBSET]
                [--historical-report HISTORICAL_REPORT]
                [--skip-nodes-allocation] [--sample SAMPLE]
                [--test-runner-timeout TEST_RUNNER_TIMEOUT]
                [--ssh-checker-function SSH_CHECKER_FUNCTION [SSH_CHECKER_FUNCTION ...]]
                [--deflake DEFLAKE]
                [test_path [test_path ...]]
Required Arguments
 One or more test identifiers or test suite paths to execute
Optional Arguments
--exclude one or more space-delimited strings indicating which tests to exclude
 display collected tests, but do not run.
 display total number of nodes requested by all tests, but do not run anything.
--debug=False pipe more verbose test output to stdout.
 path to project-specific configuration file.
 compress remote logs before collection.
 cluster class to use to allocate nodes for tests.
 Global hint for cluster usage. A test without the @cluster annotation will default to this value for expected cluster usage.
--cluster-file path to a json file which provides information needed to initialize a json cluster. The file is used to read/write cached cluster info if cluster is ducktape.cluster.vagrant.VagrantCluster.
 path to custom root results directory. Running ducktape with this root specified will result in new test results being stored in a subdirectory of this root directory.
 exit after first failure
 don’t kill running processes or remove log files when a test has finished running. This is primarily useful for test developers who want to interact with running services after a test has run.
 display version
--parameters inject these arguments into the specified test(s). Specify parameters as a JSON string.
--globals user-defined globals go here. This can be a file containing a JSON object, or a string representing a JSON object.
 Upper bound on number of tests run simultaneously.
--repeat=1 Use this flag to repeat all discovered tests the given number of times.
--subsets=1 Number of subsets of tests to statically break the tests into to allow for parallel execution without coordination between test runner processes.
--subset=0 Which subset of the tests to run, based on the breakdown using the parameter for –subsets
 URL of a JSON report file containing stats from a previous test run. If specified, this will be used when creating subsets of tests to divide evenly by total run time instead of by number of tests.
 Use this flag to skip allocating nodes for services. Can be used when running specific tests on a running platform
--sample The size of a random test sample to run
 Fail a test if the cluster node utilization does not match the cluster node usage.
 Amount of time in milliseconds between test communicating between the test runner before a timeout error occurs. Default is 30 minutes
 Python module path(s) to a function that takes an exception and a remote account that will be called when an ssh error occurs, this can give some validation or better logging when an ssh error occurs. Specify any number of module paths after this flag to be called.
--deflake=1 the number of times a failed test should be ran in total (including its initial run) to determine flakyness. When not present, deflake will not be used, and a test will be marked as either passed or failed. When enabled tests will be marked as flaky if it passes on any of the reruns

Configuration File

You can configure options in three locations: on the command line (highest priority), in a user configuration file in ~/.ducktape/config, and in a project-specific configuration <project_dir>/.ducktape/config (lowest priority). Configuration files use the same syntax as command line arguments and may split arguments across multiple lines:



Test results go in results/<session_id>.<session_id> which looks like <date>--<test_number>. For example: results/2015-03-28--002

ducktape does its best to group test results and log files in a sensible way. The output directory is structured like so:

    report.txt   # Summary report of all tests run in this session
    report.html  # Open this to see summary report in a browser

            report.txt   # Report on this single test
            [data.json]  # Present if the test returns data


To see an example of the output structure, go here and click on one of the details links.